Marriage and sexual intercourse

 Growing up with a lot of sisters taught me a variety of important information. It also taught me to be ready so when our mother gave us the “Birds and the Bees” talk, I wouldn’t be surprised or shy. At the age of 13, the day finally came. My mother began to explain about my body. She described my period cycle and what happens to my body before and after. She explained sexual intimacy and pregnancy. I remember feeling super uncomfortable. Years later, I am grateful for my mother. Throughout my high school years, I knew some of my peers who were sexually active. The thought of sexual activity at a young age was surreal at the time. My perspective changed when my sister became a teen mom at 16 years old. 

We know that we are made in the image of God. We are made to procreate and build families. Our bodies are carefully crafted for such a task! We have 4 stages of response: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Individually they prepare an individual for sex. Sex can mean a lot of different things to different people according to their cultures. For instance, some cultures accept sex as being socially acceptable. On the other hand, some cultures are strict about sex being a marriage relationship. With sexual relationships, some type of contraceptive can be considered. With our current technology and knowledge, there is a variety of contraceptives that are available to women and men. Such as condoms and pills. 

I have always believed in “prince charming’ and that sex should be between a man and woman bound in marriage & love. Today, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, “an estimated 55 percent of male and females teens have had sexual intercourse by the age of 18 and approximately 80 percent of teens used some form of contraception at first sex, according to a new report by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics.” This data awed me. It changed my perception of sex. It seems to be a cultural norm in today’s society. 

In marriage, sexual intercourse is supposed to be sacred. They promised to be faithful to one another. Thus, a couple must create boundaries for sex. This can help uplift each individual and create a stronger bond. Knowledge is power. Couples can learn how each of their bodies works and react during sexual intercourse. Contrary to this, couples who do not have a sexual bond can experience infidelity in their marriage.


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